Wednesday, August 26, 2009

That's not good!

Ok after much soul searching I've decided to post some more info on myprofit site. As stated in my last post Google stopped showing my ads due to a poor landing page. I contacted the people at myprofitsite and was told that I am unable to add pages to the site or really make alot of changes to the generic template. I wanted to do this to try and make my landing page less "thin". It turns out they are working on it.

So I'm a little annoyed and start to think screw it, I emailed them and asked for a refund and less than 5 min later I get a reply saying the refund has been done along with the information to back it up through Paypal. I check it out and yes they refunded my money.

Now I still believe in the opportunity that that the net can bring so of course I start looking around at other affiliate idea's through clickbank. Holy cow! There are a ton of opportunities out there, where to start...I'll leave that for my next post.

In the mean time I checked my Google Analytics account for makeezcash and realise that it still operational. They have left my site active, I'm not sure for how long but I decided to take advantage of this as long as I can. You see I still believe in the myprofitsite system, there are alot of great tools and training that is delivered through their site. So I decide to try Bing, Microsoft's new search engine. I go through the process of signing up (not too long) and start a's still going and sending traffic to my site! Excellent news, it seems MS doesn't care about affiliate pages and the "integrity" of it's results as much as google does. Works for me! Still waiting to see if there is a sale generated from the campaign, so far about 2000 impressions with about 40 click throughs, 2% not too bad. Of those 40 or so I've had 4 visit the sign up pages for one of my ops but no sales yet. Oh yeah my ad budget is $75/month not going to break me but would love to see what the return is going to be.

Thanks for stopping by and I'll speak to you next time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ok, so I go through the whole Google Adsense thing sign up and set a budget, pick key words and so forth, it was pretty simple and the reporting seems to be pretty good. I watch it for the first few hours and see lots of impressions for my add and a few clicks so I'm thinking this might actually work...

I check again a couple of hours later and nothing.... Ok, maybe I used up my daily budget, so I checked and nope that's not the problem. I couldn't figure it out. Finally I look at the optimizer that Goole offers and realise that Google is no longer displaying my ads because it's ADcrawler doesn't like my "landing page". It's too generic and doesn't offer anything of value other than the link to the site that I'm promoting. Just great, I'm not really sure what to do now beyond change some of the content and hope for the best. I guess if it was as easy as the program says it would be too good to be true.

I'll be contacting the people at myprofitsite to ask some questions on this for sure. I'll let everyone know what happens.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wrong Format!

Well so much for being easy...Apparently you actually have to pay attention to what you are doing when setting up your Ads. I made a mistake when I first set them up and had my formatting all worng, the ads made my new money making site look very un-professional. No probelm though a quick fix and I'm back in business.

Oh yeah, now listed in Google but no traffic as of yet. The Next step is to add an email marketing campaign to my site. I'll let you know how it is going.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back from vacation

I'm back...I know that you all missed me...Hello??

Anyway I'm back from taking my family on a small vacation to my dad's cabin at the lake and a good time was had by all. Thanks for asking.

Now back to trying to make money from home with my website So my next step I'm told is to add Google Adsense and analytics to my site and try to pick up some money that way as well.

It was pretty easy and well explained in the set up video offered by the system. I'll let you know how this goes.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Home Biz Op Trial Begins

I think that I will start this blog with a little about my self. I am married with two young boys, have a decent job but am and have always wanted more than a 9-5 job can offer. I have been looking around for the past couple of years at possible opportunities that may exist from work at home business opportunities. I finally decided to take the plunge and try one that I did some research on and it didn't look like a scam, it is

After signing up and paying a small fee, I am given access to the myprofitsite system. This includes a free "proven" templated website. I do have to pick a domain for new website first however, I went with . I am not sure about the domain but it is easy to remember and had something to do with what I was trying to do, which was promoting web programs that offer money making opportunities. The myprofitsite system also provides links to a search engine submission program that will submit (for a other small fee) my website to over 200 search engines that will help to drive traffic to my new money making website.

I have to admit that I am a bit leary still about the whole thing but myprofitsite does offer multiple video tutorials on how to set up every thing from your basic website to advance web marketing using Google Adsence. I am still going through with all of the differnent programs that are suggested and will post next to update how things are going.